Aragorn, Dúnedain, Fan Film Feeder, Lord of the rings, LOTR, Rangers
Born of Hope
Genre: LOTRBy: http://www.bornofhope.com/Released: 2009Length: 71 min A scattered people, the descendants of storied sea kings of the ancient West, struggle to survive in a lonely wilderness as a dark force […]
elves, fan film, Fan Film Feeder, Gollum, Isildur, LOTR
The Hunt for Gollum.
Genre: LOTRBy: http://thehuntforgollum.comRelease: 2009Length: 40min. The script is adapted from elements of the appendices of The Lord of the Rings. The story follows the Heir of Isildur; the “greatest huntsman […]
fan film, Fan Film Feeder, Hobbits, Lord of the rings, LOTR
Almost There and Back Again
Genre: LOTRBy: PETER HAYNESRelease: 2006Length: 29 min In an unassuming home in Auckland, New Zealand, a historic event is being planned. A tight-knit group of friends and role playing enthusiasts […]
Video Skillet
- Promo October 8, 2008