As the hope of the daylight causeth us not to be offended with the darkness of the night. So ought we patiently to trust that God will clear our cause and restore us to our right. –Edward DeVere
Author: dddienst
Life is good
The second chance
Look what I found out about – A movie staring Michael W. Smith and it is playing at the Clifton Commons but I dont know for how much longer. I have now seen the movie and it is a must see!! Release Date: February 17, 2006Run Time: 1 hr. 44 min.Rating: PG-13 – some drug…
Heddatron on Feb 25th
On a curious impulse I bought 2 tickets to the play Heddatron on Feb 25th at 8:30pm. Of course, I dont know who the other ticket is for so if your interested in seeing a play performed by robots then let me know. [Official Play Description]Les Freres Corbusier continues its irreverent massacre of historical icons…
Shakespeares Bible
I recently came acrossed this interesting fact – that in the margin of Shakespeares Bible (pen name of Edward De Vere) by Psalm 38 he wrote: As the hope of the daylight causeth us not to be offended with the darkness of the night. So ought we patiently to trust that God will clear our…
Shakespeares Bible
I recently came acrossed this interesting fact – that in the margin of Shakespeares Bible (pen name of Edward De Vere) by Psalm 38 he wrote: As the hope of the daylight causeth us not to be offended with the darkness of the night. So ought we patiently to trust that God will clear our…
Doctor Who comes to America!
At long last… America will finally get the first season of the new Doctor Who television series, according to a press release on the official Doctor Who website. The US-based Sci-Fi Channel, owned by NBC Universal, has secured a deal to broadcast the 13 episodes in America starting in March, beginning on what Outpost Gallifrey…
Doctor Who comes to America!
At long last… America will finally get the first season of the new Doctor Who television series, according to a press release on the official Doctor Who website. The US-based Sci-Fi Channel, owned by NBC Universal, has secured a deal to broadcast the 13 episodes in America starting in March, beginning on what Outpost Gallifrey…
2005 Photo Journal!
My Digital photo album called “2005 Photo Journal – A Visual Journey through the Year” is done and available on I don’t actually expect anyone to buy any copies. It is just that I like to put all my photos for the year into a professionally bound book with comments and articles but since…
2005 Photo Journal!
My Digital photo album called “2005 Photo Journal – A Visual Journey through the Year” is done and available on I don’t actually expect anyone to buy any copies. It is just that I like to put all my photos for the year into a professionally bound book with comments and articles but since…