Well the latest set of news is Memorial Day (weekend) was full of picnics including an unexpected DDial reunion picnic where I ran into old acquaintances Storm and Datastream. I guess the rain kept most others away. This of course prompted me to take a short walk down memory lane and post some old pictures…
Author: dddienst
Well the latest set of news is Memorial Day (weekend) was full of picnics including an unexpected DDial reunion picnic where I ran into old acquaintances Storm and Datastream. I guess the rain kept most others away. This of course prompted me to take a short walk down memory lane and post some old pictures…
Praise the Lord! This Saterday many people from Resurrection Fellowship came over to help me work on the house! Yea, I know your getting sick of reading about me and the whole house thing but this page is about what is going on in my life and for me this is a big thing. Not…
Praise the Lord! This Saterday many people from Resurrection Fellowship came over to help me work on the house! Yea, I know your getting sick of reading about me and the whole house thing but this page is about what is going on in my life and for me this is a big thing. Not…
I have been putting off this update because I haven’t found the time to post some pictures, so the above pictures may not work yet. In recent news, I got a new digital camera. A Fuji Finepics with which I am already straining the tolerance of all my friends by taking a lot of pictures….
I have been putting off this update because I haven’t found the time to post some pictures, so the above pictures may not work yet. In recent news, I got a new digital camera. A Fuji Finepics with which I am already straining the tolerance of all my friends by taking a lot of pictures….
As of today all the sheetrock that I bought for the kitchen walls are in place instead of on the living room floor. This just leaves, as far as the kitchen and drywall is concerned, the ceiling to do which as everyone knows is the harder part. What is behind this Drywall Incident? Well to…
As of today all the sheetrock that I bought for the kitchen walls are in place instead of on the living room floor. This just leaves, as far as the kitchen and drywall is concerned, the ceiling to do which as everyone knows is the harder part. What is behind this Drywall Incident? Well to…
Well last week I made a good amount of progress in the game and so far this game has been going the best of all the times I have played before. All my NPC buddies that have joined my quest are still alive and I am rolling in goodies. I have done vault city, gecko,…
Well last week I made a good amount of progress in the game and so far this game has been going the best of all the times I have played before. All my NPC buddies that have joined my quest are still alive and I am rolling in goodies. I have done vault city, gecko,…