For many years our economy was climbing like an airplane heading for the sky. The problem is when you do that in an airplane the engine stalls out and like our economy goes into a tailspin. For many years in aviation this meant death as pilots would do everything they could think of that made sense to pull out of it. Again much like the Fed’s bailout package and congress’s increased regulations.
But it wasn’t until Lieutenant Wilfred Parke became the first aviator to recover from an accidental tail spin that the answer became known. How did he do it? By doing the exact opposite of what pilots normally did. What caused the tailspin was the unintended consequences (or blowback if you will) of government regulations and interference in the free market. And their answer is to increase speed and turn into the spin in an effort to regain control of the plane, I mean economy. No what we need to do is take our hand off the stick, throttle back the engine and go full right rudder against the spin.
Wilfred Parke leveled off his plane only 50 feet above the ground. Let’s hope our government figures it out before then.