Just the other day while driving to work I saw a bumper sticker that read “One man can make a difference – JESUS DID” and that is so true. The birth of this man literally split time in half. His life has affected billions of people and in some way the course of every nation in the world. This one mans birth which happened about 2000 years ago is today celebrated around the globe and marked by the giving of gifts to our friends, family, and loved ones and inspires us to random acts of kindness and mercy to strangers. It was the love for this man and all that he did that ultimately inspired Saint Nicholas to give gifts to orphans and thereby created the myth of Santa Claus. This is a derivative of the name Saint Nicholas after being mangled by several language translations.
Have you ever wondered how one man who only lived about 30 years could have such a great impact on human history? Well it is because of the gift he came to earth to bring – to you! He accomplished what no body else could ever do and he did it without armies or force but while speaking a message of love and restoration he lived a perfectly sinless life, as an example for us. This in itself bought him the free pass from death according to God’s law. A pass he chose to spend on you and me by substituting himself on the cross for the sins of the world making free the way for everyone to have an open and personal relationship with our father God. It’s just a matter of believing the giver and accepting his gift. Trust me it is the best gift I have ever received. In fact, it is a gift that just keeps on giving.
So in light of this, His Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection, I would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas this year.
–Donald D. Dienst