I have just closed on my new house and what a roller coaster of an ordeal deal it has been. Yet it is not quite over. I now move on into the construction phase! But first let me recap and bring you up to speed on what happened since I last wrote.
Going all the way back to January the surveyors were allowed to complete their work which allowed me to get the finished title binder.
I was then told that my credit is just not quite good enough for the loan. Mind you this is after I have already been pre qualified and pre approved by the bank. At this point my Grandfather came forward to cosign the loan which did the trick. This of course meant that all the paperwork needed to be redone and my grandfather’s financials supplied to the bank.
I was then told we were ready to close so I bought the homeowners and flood insurance policies.
Then they tell me that the contractor needs to be chosen and a contract in place for the repairs BEFORE I actually buy the house.
The first viable contractor I get the quote from and start the paperwork with it turned out was in the middle of renewing his licenses and I had to for the sake of time find another different contractor.
I start the process over with a new contractor and go back and forth between him and the bank on the specifics of the contract and quote.
Then the seller wants to back out of the deal, because it is taking so long, so I brought in a lawyer to keep the deal going.
Then the bank noticed that the Home inspection report mentions the house needs extermination so that needed to be added to the contractors contract which in turn changed the money which changed the paperwork.
Then the bank notices that the Appraisal report says some sub flooring repair would be needed which was not in the 203k consultant report or in the contractors contract and Around went the paperwork again.
Then I needed to resubmit my financials because the ones I submitted originally were now out of date.
And these were just the major points and I wont even mention all the minor issues. But now that’s over and I am literally in the door. Now comes the actual physical part – the construction!
In other news since the last time I posted I …
Built a picnic table from scratch.
My Father got his Job back with the company that moved to Connecticut and he moved in to an apartment up there.
I painted the kitchen, hall and Backroom.
Paneled the laundry area and put in molding in the back room.
Put in the upper kitchen cabinets.
Started teaching through the book of Matthew at church.
Installed a carpet in the hallway and backroom.
Was contacted by and am in email in conversation with a woman from Siberia.
Went kite flying and revisited the liberty park castle.